Invest in your relationship with yourself

We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life.

Find your happiness and learn to put it first.

A Man's Journey

Marriage, Mayhem, and Making Life Magnificent Again

Improve your relationship with others

Be your best self, alone and with others, and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships.

Our Mission & Vision

To help men connect with their higher self. When this happens men can be the role models the world needs for themselves, their significant other and their children and the world.


To help men heal their previous trauma as well as teaching them to treat women with respect as they connect to their true self and honoring Gods words.


To help men be the role models that this world needs by connecting on higher level in all their relationships.

To give men skills and tools so they can connect on higher level. Help men be men so they can find their soulmate.


"Todd's drive and motivation bring him to levels that few will reach. Part of Todd's success is mentoring others and his belief that he can help others succeed too. Some of his best qualities are being resilient, his personal growth and self awareness. His actions speak volumes."

- Seth H.

"Todd Tononi is truly a man of honor, vision, contribution and action. Since the day I met Todd, he has never stopped improving and to this day he provides that catalyst and example for us to do and be the same."

- Kyle G.

"Knowing Todd and witnessing some of his pivotal growth moments and to see his metamorphosis from a man shifting pain into the strength of the conscious masculine has been inspirational. His unconditional love and the ability to hold space for those around him, judgment free, is by far the most important aspects about him, added with his own experience and education."

- Gina S.

"Having leaned on Todd through challenging many challenging times, he has displayed the qualities that make him an exceptional human being. Leveraging his emotional intelligence to speak the truth in an empowering way. Todd has picked me up out of the doldrums of depression and cheered me on celebrating successes."

- Greg P.