About Our Organization

How This journey began

Todd has been on a path of gaining knowledge and gone deep into self development in the last several years by educating himself from multiple sources including countless books, attending a multitude of workshops and trainings by Unblinded, Tony Robbins and Your Best Life (and others) as well as spending over a year becoming a Master Practitioner, of Neuro Linguistic Programing, Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Coaching. In the last year and a half Todd has been able to go deep into his subconscious mind and essentially rewire the neutro transmitters in his brain so he could truly connect to his higher and true self and let go of past challenges and tramas that were holding him back.

Because of these major changes in his life his shift and meaning of what's really important in life has changed from acquiring monetary wealth to helping to educate the world and giving them the skills and tools they need so they can live a life of fulfillment.

He believes that to change the world, you need to start with you and be accountable to yourself first by deep self reflection and being at the cause for your actions rather than blaming others. By doing this and taking every event that happens in your life, good or bad as a learning experience and part of your journey to true happiness.

Todd's gift to the world is his first publication called "A Man's Journey" releases on 12/6 (link here) and goes through his path to healing. This book has already changed lives by showing people how to think about relationships and how to connect with themselves and others on a deeper level to make this world we live in a better placefor all of humanity.

Motivation comes from within ā€” and Iā€™m here to help you activate it.